Confirmed Message Attestation Chain

Sample attestation chain of a APC signed message.

Note, that the app will allows you to inspect the full attestation chain of any message you confirm and sign with APC. A sample of a signed message with full attestation chain is given below.

Confirmed Message

The signed content is:

What do you consider as the most important use case?: Qualified signatures

The hashing algorithm of the signature is: SHA256

Attested Environment

Attestation Certificate Chain

Subject: Country Name=CH, OU=BFH, OU=SecureVote, CN=Secure Vote App Key
Subject: O=StrongBox, CN=defbfd71d276a7e1ce5ed8029141993b
Subject: O=Google LLC, CN=Droid CA3
Subject: O=Google LLC, CN=Droid CA2
Subject: serialNumber=f92009e853b6b045